Tuesday, January 26, 2010

7 days and counting...

One week left!! Where has the time gone?!  I can't believe I pulled this trip together in 4 weeks! Feels like it's taken me forever since I started mapping this all out in December, but I'm just really happy to see all my efforts are going to pay off.

I believe my packing battle has ended.  Final list of stuff included two pairs of pants, so I should be in the clear for laundry.  Although for anyone who was wondering, I was going to take more than one pair of pants--they just weren't going to be long pants. But the final count of important items is: 2 pairs of long pants, 2 tees, 2 long-sleeved shirts, 3 dresses, 2 swimsuits, 5 pairs of socks, 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of flip flops, 1 fleece, 1 rain jacket, and of course, underwear.  Doesn't seem like much, right?  Don't be fooled. I still have to consider all the other "essentials" for backpacking like first aid supplies, a flashlight, granola bars, meds, toiletries, etc.etc.etc. Minimalist is what I'm shooting for, but my bag doesn't leave much room for shopping while I'm there. boo.

In other news I found out my travel friend, Jen, will not be joining me on Feb. 2 like we originally planned.  Unfortunately she has a shoulder injury that is going to need some more tending to so she won't be coming to Rio until Feb. 14.  That leaves me 12 days to wander the country alone. Yup, alone. I freaked out for a little bit, but decided it wasn't going to put a damper on my trip! Now instead of hanging out in Rio for way longer than I wanted to, I get to do what I originally hoped to do: travel up north to Salvador and check out some of the coastal cities between the two cities.

I've added a flight to go straight up to Salvador from Rio and I plan to take a bus trip down the coast (roughly 2,000km) making stops along the way.  It's a long ride--about 20-24 hours. Like I said, I'm definitely nervous, but I'm sure I'll meet some really great people up in Salvador and hopefully someone who wants to do the bus journey with me! Besides, I'll have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world to see, so I'm not too sad.

I still have a laundry list of things to take care of before next week, so I'm sure this week will fly by! Until then, I'm going to try to soak in as much time with my parents, brother, friends, Jack Bauer and Diane Sawyer as I can!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Living out of a backpack will not be easy.

WARNING: The first post of my blog is going to be really boring. Don't judge me too harshly.

Right, so I have a blog. It's a weird feeling. haha.  Hopefully you all don't think I'm too arrogant or anything.. I figured it would be a good way to keep in touch and reassure family that I'm still safe.  Plus you can upload video and pictures, and I've noticed my traveling friends seem to find good use out of it..

I am leaving for my trip in 2 weeks, and I feel like there's still so much to do! There's always stuff to buy but my bag does not want to fit it all, so I'm not sure how I'm going to get all my crap down there without falling over from the weight.  Right now my bag screams "TOURIST! MUG ME!."  It's not very reassuring.

And I got even better news to start my day from mom: two earthquakes in South America today which was reconfirmed by dad not an hour later.  They are hiding their stress fairly well, but after all the news about Haiti, it does not help my case to travel to a far away continent with a complete stranger from Ireland. I told dad I'd find a doorway to stand under just in case. I think it helped..

Hopefully the news gets a little happier in the next few weeks, and I can come to terms with taking only one pair of pants on my trip.  One pair? Really? I thought I was low maintenance, but this trip is taking that term to a whole new place that I'm having a lot of trouble getting to.  Until I get there though, I have an endless cycle of packing and repacking my bag ahead of me until I can get rid of enough stuff to stop resembling a yellow turtle. Wish me luck!