Tuesday, February 2, 2010

leaving on a jet plane...

leaving in a few hours! holy crap. it's snowing in chicago and toronto..a sign? haha. nope. although the mud slides in peru are a different story...hopefully that part of my trip works out..

i have about 24 hours of flying and airport time ahead of me. by the time i reach my destination i'll have been in 5 airports. should be a good time for me to finally read the lonely planet guide i bought.

leaving chicago at 6:17 pm on Feb. 2 and my final destination is Salvador, Brazil at 4:30pm Feb. 3.

i'll miss everyone plenty, and i hope you'll keep in touch! i'll try to update this thing when i can and when i have something cool to tell you since these last posts have been pretty dull. 

in the mean time, my friend v said it best when she wrote:

peace, love, good vibes, and on-time flights.

take care everyone!

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